to bed
to bed
iowa isn't getting any closer and i've got people to see on the mississippi.
set camp off in the corn, open can of beans, smile at my good fortune for such a crowd to spend such a night.
along comes brad and junior asking if i was the fella riding the bike and if i wanted a beer or a pop and wanted to share the fire and maybe some hotdogs.
yes to all.
beers, and stories and questions galore.
fires and weenies and jokes about the kids
speculations about hickdom, trashyness and no they weren't the redneckiest folks i have met- they weren't burning a railroad tyre soaked in creosote.
so wait you rode your bike here?
why here?
so wait you drove your rv here? and you live two miles from town?
yes i'll have another beer, sure i'll have another dog, oh certainly i'll have another beer.
so wait your an organic vegetable farmer?
want to buy a pig?
so you say you farm 3,ooo acres?
and its all corn?
by yourself?
well, i certainly don't want you to have to drink that vodka alone.
well, i certainly will help myself to the beers in the cooler.
so you have to do all that work by hand?
with only interns and volunteers?
so you grew up here?
and its like this every year?
oh you're going to bed,
so are you...
sure i'll make sure the fire goes out and none of these beers go bad.
and well i suppose i'll go mosey on over to that fire and see what those folks are up to as the the sky begins to turn purple...