riding alone...
it's not so bad.
you move at your own pace,
stop when you want to stop,
talk to who you want to talk to.
you can create fake names,
fake stories,
a fake existence.
500 miles from anyone who knows anything about you.
out in the middle of the middle.
the mornings and the evenings are the worst.
no one to talk story with...
no one to break bread with...
no one to consult about where to pitch camp for the evening.
when i saw my pal kevin waiting for me on the banks of that river...
the empty corn fields, the dodging thunderstorms, the torrential down pours and the sketchy campsites all melted away in a fit of joy...
four year old on christmas morning joy.
the greatest thing about saying goodbye is getting to say hello again.

my deepest gratitude to dave and family feeding us and giving us a place to sleep in rock island, illinois. riding all day in the pouring rain is quite enjoyable when the prospect of friendly faces, a warm dinner and a soft pillow lies ahead.
i am really bad with names and there is a good prospect i have misplaced yours and i know i have forgotten your wife's, any clarification would be helpful)